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Well, learning something is quite hard for some people, not some people I think for many people. Getting knowledge is the key process of learning. if we want to achieve something, learning helps to make that process very easy.
We deal with a lot of stuff every day that require knowledge, skills, hard work.
but wait how we get that???  "books" I mean seriously 'books' ?? 
I have to study a whole lot of book?? Dude seriously who have so much time?
but wait a minute? the answer is yes obviously.

Sounds crazy but that's the truth. Books have a great meaning in delivering a vast knowledge that is why we read everything from books in schools, colleges,  blah blah...

Coming back to learning, it can be in any field like learning programming languages, learning maths, learning chemistry, learning physics, even learning rocket science...

We all do learning in some or other way.  That's how we educate ourselves.

but what if this process becomes very simple that it's a fun way process rather than a boring process.

Well, there was a guy named Richard Phillips Feynman.

he was an American theoretical physicist, known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics, and the physics of the superfluidity of supercooled liquid helium, as well as in particle physics for which he proposed the parton model. For his contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics, Feynman, jointly with Julian Schwinger and Shin'ichirō Tomonaga, received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965.

The point here is not telling the history of Richard Feynman but the real point is to highlight his idea behind the way of studying or learning something. So Feynman proposed a technique called "The Feynman Technique".

The purpose of Learning is completed only when you understand that thing completely. And also if you can explain it to someone simply.

A quote by Albert Einstein here is perfect to mention:

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.

The Feynman technique is a method for learning or reviewing a concept quickly by explaining it in plain, simple language.

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.

So the Feynman technique is explained in 4 steps, follow these steps blindly:

1. identify the topic :

write down the name of the concept on top of a blank paper.

2. identify relevant points  :

write down everything you know about the topic, and consistently add new points to it, each time when you know something new about that topic. write it in simple plain words. "don't use jargons or difficult vocabulary".

3. teach it to a child :

if you can teach a concept to a child, then you can teach it to anyone, that means you have a better understanding of that topic.

4. identify gaps:

So what you are missing? and what you don't know?? just try to fill that gap.

5. review + simplify: 

review your concept and check all the shortcomings, and try to make it even more simple. remove any ambiguity, mistakes in the concept.


so this way you make the learning process easier and simpler. I know maybe you're thinking that what is the rocket science in this process, I mean we all know this. but do we really follow this approach???
just when we decide to make a change in our habit, the thing also gets change. just try it once...

Please share this post with school and college students, your children, friends and family. maybe it will help them to earn more marks and maybe it can change there learning style.. go ahead... Good Luck!!!

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An AI character was made an official resident of a busy central Tokyo district on Saturday, with the virtual newcomer resembling a chatty seven-year-old boy.
The boy named “Shibuya Mirai” does not exist physically, but he can have text conversations with humans on the widely used LINE messaging app.
Tokyo’s Shibuya Ward, an area popular with fashion-conscious young people, has given the character his own special residence certificate.
This makes him Japan’s first, and maybe the world’s first, artificial intelligence bot to be granted a place on a real-life local registry.
Mirai, whose name means “future” in Japanese, is supposed to be a first grader at an elementary school.
He can reply to messages and make light-hearted alterations to selfies he is sent.
Shibuya said the project aimed to make the district’s local government more familiar to residents and allow officials to hear their opinions.
“His hobbies are taking pictures and observing people. And he loves talking with people... Please talk to him about anything,” the ward said in a statement with Microsoft, the joint developer of the AI character.
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The placement session for any company generally has 3 – 4 rounds. The first round being the written test, consisting of quantitative aptitude, reasoning (logical ability), english (verbal ability) and computer science subjects (C, C++, Data Structures, Algorithms, DBMS, OS, Networks, etc.).
For some companies, you might also have a coding round, which is sometimes taken as a separate round and sometimes is clubbed with the written test.
Further rounds are interview rounds, the first two usually being the technical round and successive rounds being the HR round.
    1. Aptitude Test
      • Quantitative Aptitude
        1. Numbers
        2. LCM and HCF 
        3. Work and Wages
        4. Pipes and Cisterns
        5. Time Speed Distance 
        6. Trains, Boats and Streams
        7. Percentages
        8. Ratio Proportion and Partnership
        9. Mixtures and Alligation
        10. Algebra 
        11. Age
        12. Profit and Loss 
        13. Simple Interest
        14. Compound Interest
        15. Mensuration 2D
        16. Mensuration 3D
        17. Trigonometry & Height and Distances
        18. Progressions
        19. Permutation and Combination
        20. Probability
        21. Clocks
        22. Calendars
        23. Race
        24. Simplification and Approximation
      • Data Interpretation
      • Reasoning (Logical Ability)
        1. Series : Missing Numbers, Odd One Out
        2. Data Sufficiency 
        3. Assumptions and Conclusions, Courses of Action 
        4. Puzzles 
        5. Syllogism 
      • English (Verbal Ability)
        1. Passage/Sentence Rearrangement 
        2. Error Detection and Correction 
        3. Fill in the Blanks
        4. Comprehension Passages
      • Practice Tests
      • Puzzles
    1. Programming Language It is recommended to know at least one language thoroughly)
    • C Language 
    • C++ Language
    • Java
    • Python
    • C#
    1. Subject basics : Most important subjects that you must know for any company interview are undoubtedly data structures and algorithms.
      • Data Structures | Coding Practice ( Array, Linked List, Tree, BST, Graph)
      • Algorithms | Coding Practice ( Searching, Sorting, Maths, Dynamic Programming, Greedy, Bit, Backtracking)
      • DBMS
      • Operating System
      • Computer Networks
    4. Practice is undoubtedly the key to success : Students generally are seen   skipping practice part and landing into trouble when asked to write the code in a live interview. Therefore, PRACTICE is strongly recommended.
   5. Interview Preparation: Interview Experiences give you a fair idea about what you might go through in your interviews. You should carefully observe the comments wherein students have answered certain queries regarding placement process too.
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1.Subject knowledge deficiency:

A team of interviewers has spared a lot of time to get intelligent guys as their teammates and if they don’t find that technical expertise in you then all other traits may go into vain. So, start preparing for your placements/ interview well before time and look for what you aren’t good at. Prepare the subjects one by one. Use all the resources available to you, be it your library, internet, seniors, colleagues, faculties, friends or anybody who may help in any manner.
2.Not Knowing your strengths and weaknesses in advance:
Now that is what we call catching the nerve. Representing your strength as strength and on the top of it portraying weakness also as strength is quite a tricky job .You need to be pre prepared well in advance to hit the right chord in this question. Your answer must not be too over dedicated and not too casual too. You must priory think these answers and if not able to find on your own then your buddies are the best to let you know about your personal traits. But make sure you have prepared the answer well in time before an interview.
3.Being over pleasing
To agree on everything on what interviewer is saying is also not a good approach. This reflects that you either do not have any opinion and or you want this job by hook or crook, both of the reasons being wrong. Give your thoughts politely and in case you do not agree to say that you don’t. Everybody is fond of a person having own thoughts and opinions and they’ll respect it too.
4.Patience is the word, Frustration can bring you down
You may be searching for a job for a long time and not be able to crack interview since the beginning. No matter what is the reason, an Interviewer must not sense your disappointment at any point of time during the interview.  It shows your persistence to be calm even under pressure and stressful working conditions. Keeping the patient before the interview will help you in good preparation and during the interview will the get help you through.
5.Not Being Polite and Humble
As said above, throughout the interview you need to be calm and very polite. Answering when required and that too very gently & non aggressively is the key. You may be not like that as a person but do not let it come in your interview. After all it’s just a matter of few minutes.
6.Answering when you are not sure
At one point confidence is the key to success, being overconfident may also land you up in mess. Especially in a technical interview giving wrong answers might trouble you like anything. If you do not know about some topic saying –“Sorry, I don’t know” is always a safer option than answering anything randomly.
7.Remember to Wear a smile before deciding what to wear from your wardrobe
 Nobody likes to see tensed sad faces, be it you or the interviewer. Smiling always gives a positive aura in a so-called tension-packed interview room. Your smile will give confidence to you and at the same time a sense of positivity to the other side of the table.
8.Not Gathering enough information About Company and work.
Not gathering sufficient information about the company and job profile can be a huge mistake. No matter how good you are, a company cannot hire a database administrator when they need a python coder. If you are shortlisted for a job interview then they expect you to know about the technology you may have to work upon in the company. Knowing about company’s profile will definitely give you an edge over others and further knowing about the kind of work company does will get you through for sure.
9.Not able to Answer Tricky questions
 Where do you see yourself after 5 years? What are your future plans? What if you are not selected? Such questions are asked only to check the mindset of a candidate. The interviewer is obviously never interested in your future plans but he/she is trying to see your insight for yourself in upcoming years. Giving a crystal clear vision only prove that your path is unambiguous and you know where you want to be. Such employees can be an asset for any organization and will always be given preference for hiring.
Lack of confidence is the first impression if you are fumbling in an interview .You have a certain ability and that’s the reason you have received a call for the interview. Faltering at every sentence would not lead you anywhere. To avoid that, the best remedy is to stand in front of a mirror and read a newspaper looking eye to eye at yourself. Believe it or not, you would start feeling confident after certain days of practicing this trick.
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As the importance of data analytics continues to grow, companies are finding more and more applications for Data Mining and Business Intelligence. Here we take a look at some real life applications of these technologies and shed light on the benefits they can bring to your business.
Service providers
data mining and business intelligence service providerThe first example of Data Mining and Business Intelligence comes from service providers in the mobile phone and utilities industries. Mobile phone and utilities companies use Data Mining and Business Intelligence to predict ‘churn’, the terms they use for when a customer leaves their company to get their phone/gas/broadband from another provider. They collate billing information, customer services interactions, website visits and other metrics to give each customer a probability score, then target offers and incentives to customers whom they perceive to be at a higher risk of churning.


data mining and business intelligence retailAnother example of Data Mining and Business Intelligence comes from the retail sector. Retailers segment customers into ‘Recency, Frequency, Monetary’ (RFM) groups and target marketing and promotions to those different groups. A customer who spends little but often and last did so recently will be handled differently to a customer who spent big but only once, and also some time ago. The former may receive a loyalty, upsell and cross-sell offers, whereas the latter may be offered a win-back deal, for instance.


data mining and business intelligence ecommercePerhaps some of the most well -known examples of Data Mining and Analytics come from E-commerce sites. Many E-commerce companies use Data Mining and Business Intelligence to offer cross-sells and up-sells through their websites. One of the most famous of these is, of course, Amazon, who use sophisticated mining techniques to drive their, ‘People who viewed that product, also liked this’ functionality.


data mining and business intelligence supermarketsSupermarkets provide another good example of Data Mining and Business Intelligence in action. Famously, supermarket loyalty card programmes are usually driven mostly, if not solely, by the desire to gather comprehensive data about customers for use in data mining. One notable recent example of this was with the US retailer Target. As part of its Data Mining programme, the company developed rules to predict if their shoppers were likely to be pregnant. By looking at the contents of their customers’ shopping baskets, they could spot customers who they thought were likely to be expecting and begin targeting promotions for nappies (diapers), cotton wool and so on. The prediction was so accurate that Target made the news by sending promotional coupons to families who did not yet realise (or who had not yet announced) they were pregnant!

Crime agencies

data mining and business intelligence crimeThe use of Data Mining and Business Intelligence is not solely reserved for corporate applications and this is shown in our final example. Beyond corporate applications, crime prevention agencies use analytics and Data Mining to spot trends across myriads of data – helping with everything from where to deploy police manpower (where is crime most likely to happen and when?), who to search at a border crossing (based on age/type of vehicle, number/age of occupants, border crossing history) and even which intelligence to take seriously in counter-terrorism activities.
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What do we require in order to build web projects?

I know that most of you guys are confused about building websites and wondering either for your projects or general use. Building website is very easy. So in order to build a website, you must have the basic understanding of certain things. 

There are two terms called "Web Design" and "Web Development" in which we are confused.

Web Design - Basically, in Web Design, we deal with the visual design and layout of the website. or simply how our website is going to look. And the Person who does web designing is called the web designer.

Web Development - In this we deal with converting that design and vision from a static design to a fully working website that is online and available to the world. And the Person who does this is called web developer.

In Web Development we have two aspects:-

  • Front End Development: Front-end web development, also known as client-side development. Whatever the user see and interact with is the front end. It deals with how to build beautiful, interactive websites.
       Web Technologies used are: HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT

  • Back End Development: back-end developer is a programmer who creates the logical back-end and core computational logic of a website. The developer creates components and features that are indirectly accessed by a user through a front-end application or system.
        Web Technologies used are: PHP, MySQL (MySQLi)

Ok, So far we have discussed certain terminologies let's understand what actually it is. While developing a website first we have to look for the need and things require for building the website. 

In order to build front end, you can use HTML/XML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, W3.CSS, BOOTSTRAP.

The HTML/XML is a special computer language that describes the structure of a document. With HTML, we can build web pages that contain text, images, and many other types of content. Basically, it defines the structure/schema of a web page.

The CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language. CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on the screen, paper, or in other media. CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages all at once.

JavaScript is a full-fledged dynamic programming language that, when applied to an HTML document, can provide dynamic interactivity on websites.

JavaScript is used to create interactive websites. It is mainly used for:
  • Client-side validation
  • Dynamic drop-down menus
  • Displaying data and time
  • Displaying popup windows and dialogue boxes (like alert dialogue box, confirm dialogue box and prompt dialogue box)
  • Displaying clocks etc.
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first web sites. Twitter Bootstrap is the most popular front-end framework in the recent time. It is sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile-first front-end framework for faster and easier web development. Basically, Bootstrap is used if want our website to be able to adjust itself according to device size.

W3.CSS is a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) developed by It helps in creating faster, beautiful, and responsive websites. It is inspired from Google Material Design.

In order to build back-end, you can use:-

  • Ruby – Ruby is a programming language created to be fun and efficient. Ruby syntax is easy to read, even for people who don’t know Ruby. Ruby was thrust into the mainstream thanks to Ruby on Rails, which is a framework (built with Ruby) for building web applications. Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular web development tools for small businesses and startups. Companies like Twitter, Hulu and Github all started and/or still, use Ruby on Rails in some capacity. Ruby can be used to code business logic, calculate data and distribute servers for better performance.
  • Python – Much like Ruby, Python is known in part for its readability. A popular web development framework, Django, also makes Python a popular choice for building web applications. Dropbox was built with – and still uses – Python to run much of its server-side code. Python can be used for everything Ruby can. Whether you use Python or Ruby depends on your skill set, the communities you’re exposed to, and your development team.
  • SQL – SQL is a universal database query language. SQL is used to interact with databases, which are a part of every backend web application. No matter what language or framework you choose to build your web application, you will likely use SQL, or some abstraction of it, to interact with the database.
  • PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML.
FULL STACK DEVELOPER: - The term full-stack means developers who are comfortable working with both back-end and front-end technologies. To be more specific, it means that the developer can work with databases, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and everything in between, also, venturing as far as converting Photoshop designs to front-end code.

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1. Java

Java is considered as the perfect language for the developers and programmers to learn. Currently it is the top-most programming language and has grabbed the highest position with Android OS yet again, though it was a bit down a few years ago. Java can be utilized for mobile-based applications, enterprise level purpose, for creating desktop applications, and for establishing Android apps on tablets and smartphones.

2. PHP

The web developers should learn about PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor, a well-known programming language. With the help of PHP, you can enlarge a web app very quickly and effortlessly. PHP is the actual foundation of many strong content management systems, for example, WordPress. PHP is really a valuable programming language for the developers and programmers.

3. JavaScript

While you are expanding your site, JavaScript is extremely functional as this language can immensely assist you in generating communication for your website. You can utilize various in style frameworks in JavaScript for constructing superb user interface. When you’re into web development, it’s very important to known about JavaScript for making interactive web pages. JavaScript is applied for including animations on the web pages, loading fresh images, scripts or objects on web page, and craft hugely responsive user interfaces.

4. Python

For becoming skilled at all-in-one language, you should begin learning Python language that has the ability to expand web apps, data analysis, user interfaces, and many more, and frameworks are also available for these tasks. Python is utilized by bigger companies mostly that can evaluate vast data sets, thus this is a huge chance to learn it and be a Python programmer.

5. Objective-C

If you are the one who is interested on constructing apps for iOS, then you have to know about Objective-C language efficiently. The most preferred choice for all the web developers is Objective-C. When you have learnt Objective-C, you can begin applying XCode that is known to be the authorized software development tool from Apple. Thus you can quickly produce iOS app that can be noticeable in App Store.

6. Ruby

Another popular programming language is Ruby and Ruby on Rails. This can be learnt easily, and also very strong and clear-cut. If you’ve small time in hand and still want to craft any project, then you can surely utilize Ruby language. This programming language is applied massively for web programming, and hence turned out to be the ideal selection for the beginner companies.

7. Perl

Perl is also a well-accepted programming language that offers distinct tools for various obscure setbacks such as system programming. Though this programming language is a bit puzzling, but it is really a strong one that you can learn for this year, and renew your knowledge. Perl is mainly used for sites and web app expansion, desktop app development and system administration, and test automation that can be applied for testing databases, web apps, networking devices, and many more.

8. C, C++ and C#

You can increase your knowledge by learning about C this year that is unique programming language. Being the oldest, it should be learnt firstly when you start up, and it is mainly applied in forming different softwares.
C++ or C plus plus is a bit more progressive than C, and utilized immensely in forming hardware speeded games. It is an ideal selection for strong desktop software as well as apps for mobiles and desktop. Known to be the strongest language, C++ is applied in vital operating systems, such as Windows.
After learning these 2, you can go ahead in knowing about C# language. It won’t be difficult for you to get accustomed with C# after knowing C and C++. C# is actually the prime language for Microsoft applications and services. While executing with .Net and ASP technologies, you are required to be familiar with the C# accurately.

9. SQL

When you are executing on databases such as Microsoft SQL server, Oracle, MySQL, etc, you should be aware of SQL programming language or Standard Query Language. From this language, you can achieve the proficiency of acquiring the needed data from big and multifaceted databases.

10. Swift

Swift is reflected upon as the trendiest program language for expanding apps for Apple products. This language can be utilized by you for building up apps for iOS activated devices and Apple’s MAC in quick and simple method. When you are keen to expand a superb iOS application, then it is better for you to gain knowledge of Swift programming language.
Hence, the above programming languages are known to be the best ones of 2015. So the developers and programmers should ensure that they’re updated regarding them. Knowing such programming languages will certainly take them to a greater level altogether in their career!
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Everyone has at least one idea for the next big thing. What makes startup founders different is their willingness to take action to make one of those ideas a reality.
If you're thinking you may want to leave your day job and set out as a founder, it might be helpful to reflect and make a plan but, once you've made up your mind, you need to go — and quick.
A big part of execution is simply getting started, but once you've got the ball rolling it's helpful to have a checklist of steps to follow to make sure everything is in order.

1. Do your market research

Conducting market research is the first step to determine if you really do have an idea worth pursuing. Begin your research by writing down what you think the problem is that your business idea would be solving. Physically write it down and keep it in front of you.
Figure out how many people are having this problem that you're solving and go talk to them. Consider writing up a survey for these potential "customers" to take and see what they have to say. After you get your results, check out the competition and figure out if you are different enough (in a good way) to do battle with them.
Keep all of your research materials when you are finished, as they could be helpful in securing funding later on.

2. Secure intellectual property

Intellectual property (IP) refers to the process by which an individual or company can own the rights to a created product. Examples include patents, copyright, and trademarks. It is vital to the success of your company that you follow the proper protocol to protect your differentiating factor.
By securing your IP early on, you'll protect yourself against copycats. Conversely, make sure you're not the copycat, even inadvertently. Confirm that you aren't violating any existing IP rights or non-compete agreements, otherwise, you could face serious legal ramifications. Once you know you're in the clear, file your patent or apply for your trademark or copyright.
Pro tip: Once you have command of the IP, transfer it to the ownership of the company once it is incorporated.

3. Decide on branding

Branding is about more than just choosing a name, it's about deciding on an identity for your idea. You want to choose something you love, but you also want to choose a name that conveys the experience of using your product and the problem that it solves.
Be aware of any existing product successes, or failures, that are associated with the name you choose and how they may impact adoption. This is the time you should also secure your website domain name and other associated marketing materials. This is also where you craft and internalize your elevator pitch, so you know exactly what to say to anyone who may ask what your company does.

4. Incorporate

Incorporating is a big deal for a startup because there are so many aspects of the startup lifecycle that affect it, and are affected by it. Incorporating is the process of turning your business into a legal entity and deciding how it will be structured. Typically, startups will be incorporated as an LLC, a C corporation, or an S corporation. Both LLCs and S corporations have special tax exemptions, while a C corporation is considered a taxable entity.
In addition to the tax differences, there are a host of other considerations that you need to make when incorporating. For example, equity compensation, which is a major issue when raising capital, is different depending on the business structure you choose. Additionally, you'll want to consider where to incorporate, as different states have different ways of taxing businesses.
One of the de facto standards is to incorporate as a Delaware-based Corporation because Delaware is considered by many to have favorable corporate law practices, and because C corporations tend to be looked upon more favorably by venture capital investors.

5. Choose a co-founder

Not having the proper support for even the best of ideas can kill your execution. In fact, some investors look at the founding team first before looking at the idea when considering making an investment. If you have a co-founder already — awesome. If not, you should consider bringing someone else into the fold.
Look for someone with solid track record who you have, at least, some history with. The key feature is finding someone with a skill set that is complementary to yours. Style and personality are also considerations to make, as you will be working alongside this person every day and need to know that you can accomplish goals as a team. Also, there might only be room for one person in the spotlight, so understand that one of you might be working behind the scenes and will need to be ok with that.

6. Write a business plan

One way to set your startup off on the right path is to write a good business plan. Using the market research you did earlier, create your plan of attack and decide what you want to accomplish with your new business. Determine goals and milestones, and what steps you need to make it to those milestones.

7. Pick a workplace

Where you work actually does have an effect on your startup as you're getting off the ground. Different environments will suit different working styles best. Many founders choose to work from home initially to save money, but others choose to rent at a coworking space, share an office, or rent and office for themselves. Don't be afraid to experiment, but don't let the search for the perfect space get in the way of your work.

8. Find a mentor

Mentorship is a touchy subject. First, you should determine if having a mentor is good for you as a founder. If so, finding the right mentor can make a huge difference. Even with the combined expertise of you and your co-founder, a mentor can provide deep industry insight and wisdom to help you navigate some of the challenges that come your way.

9. Apply for an accelerator program

If you need some additional resources and expertise, consider applying for an accelerator. An accelerator is a program for startup businesses that helps speed the growth of the company by providing a mentor network and sometimes a small investment. These programs can also give their companies the opportunity to formally pitch the media and other members of the startup community during a demonstration day at the end of the program. Bear in mind, however, that most of these programs require equity share of your company.

10. Raise capital

For many startups, taking it to the next level requires a financial investment in the company. Founders give equity in their company to angel investors or venture capital investors in return for money and, sometimes, advice. The resources can be an enormous help, but taking capital investments does have a dark side that should be understood before you move forward.
If you need to raise capital for your business, you should begin by deciding how much money to raise and how it will affect your startup. Once you have that figured out, you should decide how you'll be raising it — by crowdfunding, from an angel investor, or through a traditional VC firm. Then, you need to practice your pitch.
This list is not exhaustive, and the complete set of steps you'll take will likely be determined by your individual situation. However, these steps should help get you started and on your way to a public launch.
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Based on a number of surveys on the skills required by graduates undertaken by Microsoft, Target Jobs, the BBC, Prospects, NACE and AGR and other organisations, here is our summary of the skills which were most often deemed important.

VERBAL COMMUNICATION: Able to express your ideas clearly and confidently in speech.

TEAMWORK  Work confidently within a group.

COMMERCIAL AWARENESS: Understand the commercial realities affecting the organisation.
ANALYSING & INVESTIGATING: Gather information systematically to establish facts & principles. Problem-solving.

INITIATIVE/SELF MOTIVATION: Able to act on initiative, identify opportunities & proactive in putting forward ideas & solutions.

DRIVE: Determination to get things done. Make things happen & constantly looking for better ways of doing things.

WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: Able to express yourself clearly in writing.

PLANNING & ORGANISING: Able to plan activities & carry them through effectively.

FLEXIBILITY: Adapt successfully to changing situations & environments.

TIME MANAGEMENT: Manage time effectively, prioritising tasks and able to work to deadlines.

Other skills that were also seen as important:

GLOBAL SKILLS: Able to speak and understand other languages. Appreciation of other cultures. See Study and work placements outside the UK Working Abroad 

NEGOTIATING & PERSUADING:: Able to influence and convince others, to discuss and reach agreement.

LEADERSHIP:: Able to motivate and direct others

NUMERACY:: Multiply & divide accurately, calculate percentages, use statistics & a calculator, interpret graphs & tables.

COMPUTING SKILLS:: Word­processing, using databases, spreadsheets, the Internet & email, designing web pages etc. 

SELF AWARENESS::  Awareness of achievements, abilities, values & weaknesses & what you want out of life. 

PERSONAL IMPACT/CONFIDENCE:: Presents a strong, professional, positive image to others which inspires confidence & commands respect.

LIFELONG LEARNING:: Continues to learn throughout life. Develops the competencies needed for current & future roles. 

STRESS TOLERANCE:   Maintains effective performance under pressure 

INTEGRITY:   Adheres to standards & procedures, maintains confidentiality and questions inappropriate behaviour. 

INDEPENDENCE: Accepts responsibility for views & actions and able to work under their own direction & initiative. 

DEVELOPING PROFESSIONALISM:   Pays care & attention to quality in all their work. Supports & empowers others.

ACTION PLANNING:   Able to decide what steps are needed to achieve particular goals and then implement these. 

DECISION­MAKING: Determines the best course of action. Evaluates options based on logic & fact & presents solutions.

INTERPERSONAL SENSITIVITY: Recognises & respects different perspectives. Open to the ideas & views of others.

CREATIVITY: Generates & applying new ideas & solutions.

The most important skills to develop in employees to drive company growth over the next five years were (according to the Flux Report by Right Management): 

  • Leadership skills 62% 
  • Management skills 62% 
  • Interpersonal skills 53% 
  • Innovation and creativity 45% 
  • Resilience 43% 
  • Technical/specialist skills 40% 
  • IT skills 40% 
  • Sales/marketing skills 32% 
  • Client management skills 24% 
  • Other/none of the above 4%

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